About Us

About us

We’re an independent platform of designers, “grafters”, strategists, and (most importantly) motorists! Our passion for helping people and of course cars and all things fast, is what got us where we are today with ULEZchecker.com


Why ULEZChecker.com?

Having heard about the upcoming ULEZ 2021 it was a real concern that raising awareness seemed to not be a concern for TfL (especially as the charge is active 24hrs a day, 7 days a week and costs £12.50 a day). The layout of the ULEZ checker results and information on the TfL website was a nightmare and a real bore! It was a massive worry for us as fellow motorists, because we knew there will be a lot of confusion.


So, we set out to create our own platform with the number one aim being to help fellow motorists with clear results (when using our checker) and empowering them with information about the ULEZ and all things vehicles, with our blogs. After a few meetings with the team, we agreed on user experience and a CLEAR & UNDERSTANDABLE result for motorists was going to be pivotal to being successful…and ULEZchecker.com was born.


Our results:

ULEZchecker.com uses the exact same API (Application Programming Interface) as TfL. We guarantee our results will be identical to that of TfL and whenever there is an update to the API (system), it will automatically be updated.